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Members of a university football team were seized by several armed men in Cameroon’s Southwest region.

20 male students were preparing for an upcoming competition in the training grounds at the University Buea when suddenly armed men abducted them.

Nicolas Asongu, head coach of the university football team, said that the kidnapping took place about 7:30 in the morning local time Wednesday.

Some eyewitnessed told that there were 25 people on the football field, but the men only took the players. Those who were left behind said that the gunmen ordered the students not to do anything and just go with them towards the university’s back entrance.

University’s vice chancellor Ngono Horace Manga, confirmed that the abductors already called the school authorities to demand a ransom for the players. However, Manga did not disclose the ransom amount as to not jeopardize the negotiations regarding the student’s freedom.

Military helicopters were already sent to help with the search.