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Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle lamented that people, especially the youth have become prisoners and slaves of cellular phones (cellphones).

Cardinal Tagle ,ade his remarks during the Chrism Mass and Renewal of Commitment of Priestly Service sa Manila Cathedral earlier this morning of Maundy Thursday.

According to Cardinal Tagle, cellphone has been like prison guard to us, making us uneasy every time it rings and we rush to respond as if being called by God.

But when God calls us, Cardinal Tagle said, we sometimes ignore Him unlike how we treat cellphone.

“Yang cellphone, ‘yang cellphone, parang prisoner na, parang guard, para kang binabantayang lagi. ‘Pag tumunog para tayong mga ano, “Yes Lord, speak Lord, I am here.” Pero kapag ang Diyos ang nagsasalita minsan hindi nakikinig, pero ang cellphone hindi mapakali, kahit nga nagmimisa eh,” Cardinal Tagle said.