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The Commission on Audit (COA) has called out the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) for failing to adequately monitor and supervise infrastructure projects, leading to numerous technical defects and deficiencies. According to the COA’s findings, a staggering “653 infrastructure projects with a total contract cost of P20,718,336,041.82 undertaken by various DPWH offices were not executed in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the respective Contract Agreement”. As a consequence, various technical defects have been identified, resulting in a total cost of deficiencies amounting to at least P369,172,665.73.

The DPWH, which is tasked with providing and managing quality infrastructure facilities and services responsive to the needs of the Filipino people, is facing severe criticism for its lapses in overseeing these projects. The COA pointed out that this lack of proper monitoring and supervision not only jeopardizes the safety of the public but also threatens to waste government funds and resources.

Citing PD No. 1445, the COA emphasized that “all resources of the government shall be managed, expended or utilized in accordance with laws and regulations, and safeguarded against loss or wastage through illegal or improper disposition, with a view to ensuring efficiency, economy and effectiveness in the operation of government.”

According to the data, Region VI-Western Visayas has taken the lead with 161 deficient projects, closely followed by Region V with 147 and Region IV-B with 140.

COA’s findings indicate that Region X, CAR, and Region II also faced considerable issues, with 51, 74, and 63 deficient projects, respectively. Additionally, Region XIII had 47, Region IV-A had 23, and Region X had 7 projects with validated deficiencies.

The most concerning cases were identified in specific road projects within Region X and Region V. In Region X, the validation of 34 asphalt projects with a combined cost of P953,750,232.11, implemented by Lanao del Norte 1st District Engineering Office (DEO) in DPWH Region X from CYs 2019 to 2022, revealed significant problems.

COA revealed “that certain road areas and sections were not suitable for the application of asphalt pavements, and defects such as various cracks, potholes and depressions were noted although the same were subjected to series of asphalt rehabilitations”. The defects were attributed to overloading of vehicles, water presence in the underlying soil structure from floods, poor drainage, underground erosion, cracks in the road surface, and seasonal temperature changes.

Similarly, in Region V, preventive maintenance efforts such as asphalt overlay on roads and retrofitting of bridges along Daang Maharlika (K0542+000 to K0575+000) were implemented by the DPWH Regional Office (RO) V and Sorsogon 1st DEO from CYs 2019 to 2021. However, the roads still exhibited several cracks, potholes, raveling, and uneven pavement, while the widened bridges showed lateral cracks, potholes, and noticeable gaps between the old and new structures. These deficiencies were deemed prone to recurring, and the report pointed to potential causes such as poor weather conditions, heavy traffic volumes from overloaded trucks, substandard construction materials, and inadequate design and workmanship.

COA has reiterated its previous year’s recommendations, urging the DPWH to take immediate action. Specifically, the management of DPWH offices concerned should” require the contractors concerned to immediately repair, rectify or correct the noted defects and deficiencies, and deliver the required items of works necessary in the implementation of infrastructure projects to conform with the terms and specifications provided for in the contracts”. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the forfeiture of the contractors’ performance securities and possible blacklisting from future bidding opportunities. COA also calls for increased vigilance and rigorous monitoring by Inspectorate Teams to ensure that all future projects are executed in accordance with the approved program of works and adhere to the provisions of the contracts.