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beirut lebanon explosion OFW

The Department of Foreign Affairs, through the Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs, has already reached out to the next of kin of the two overseas Filipino workers (OFW) who died from the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon.

Since December 2019, the Department has already repatriated 1,508 Filipinos from Lebanon.

There are still currently around 31,916 Filipinos in Lebanon.

The Department assures the public as well as all the other Filipinos in Beirut that it shall provide all the necessary assistance to the Filipino victims of this terrible tragedy.

Likewise, the Department continues to coordinate with the Lebanese authorities in locating the reported missing Filipinos.

The Philippine Embassy may be reached through the following:

Telephones – +961 3859430, +961 81334836, +961 71474416, +961 70681060 and +961 70858086 E-mail – beirutpe@gmail.com Facebook – Philippine Embassy in Lebanon.