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President Rodrigo Duterte through Aministrativer Order 17 created the Philippine Organizing Committee (POC) for the participation of the Philippines to the Expo 2020 Dubai. “The participation of the Philippines in the Expo 2020 Dubai provides an excellent opportunity to further enhance the country’s presence in a global scale, and promote the country’s commercial and public interests in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia region,” AO 17.

The Order stated that the Secretary of Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) will act as Chairperson and Commissioner-General with the Secretary of Department of Tourism, as Vice Chairperson.

Meanwhile, the members of the committee include the Secretaries of Department of Foreign Affairs; Department of Budget and Management (DBM); Department of Labor and Employment; Department of Science and Technology; Department of Information and Communications Technology. According to AO 17, the POC members may designate their respective alternates to represent them in the committee, provided they have a rank of not lower than an Assistant Secretary or its equivalent, and must be fully authorized to decide on behalf of their respective principals and the designation of the alternates or representatives shall be in writing, and must be duly submitted to the POC Secretariat.

The POC Secretariat is tasked to undertake and oversee the over-all preparation for and the day-to-day operation of the Philippine participation in the Expo 2020 Dubai.

As stated in Section 2, the POC shall formulate and implement a work plan, acts as coordinating body between the private sector and other government entities to ensure that all programs and activities indicated in the above work plan, and all other directives subsequently issued relative to the participation of the Philippines in the Expo 2020 Dubai are enforced, ensures that the benefits of the Philippine participation are maximized through a concerted and cost-effective national approach; employs and utilizes sustainable architectural design, including materials that may be adapted for re-use, whenever applicable, ensure the safety and protection of government properties, exhibit materials and equipment used for participating in the Expo 2020 Dubai, accepts or receives sponsorship and gratuitous title of funds, materials and devices essential for planning, implementing and managing the participation of the Philippines in the Expo 2020 Dubai, subject to relevant laws and existing government accounting and auditing rules and regulations, through the Commissioner-General, or his/her designated representatives, enters into agreements, contracts or pannerships necessary for the attainment of the objectives of this Order, undertakes marketing and promotional activities, presentations and meetings consistent with the PDP 2017 — 2022 in order to generate business, trade and investment opportunities, and showcase Philippine culture, heritage and tourist destinations; and implement any or all other measures necessary for the successful participation of the Philippines in the Expo 2020 Dubai.

To provide necessary support, President Rodrigo Duterte, directed all departments, bureaus, offices, agencies or instrumentalities of the government, including government -owned or -controlled corporations and government financial institutions, to render full assistance and cooperation to the POC to effectively carry out the objectives of this Order. Funding requirements of the POC for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 will ll be sourced from the Contingent Fund, subject to the approval of the President, upon the recommendation of the DBM, and if necessary, from the current year’s appropriations of the POC member agencies.

The POC, through the CommissionerGeneral is tasked to submit quarterly reports of its accomplishments, not later than thirty (30) days after the end of every quarter, and a final report within sixty (60) days after the closing of the Expo 2020 Dubai, to the Office of the President and the DBM. Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea signed the Aministrative Order last April 24, 2019 and effective immediately.