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Sajid Ampatuan, former Maguindanao governor found guilty on 8 counts of graft and falsification of public documents.

The charges involved 20 million missing projects for road improvements.  

With these charges, he was sentenced to six to eight years of jail time for each count of his graft conviction and another two to six years jail time for each count of his conviction for falsification of public documents.

Further, he was directed to pay 22 million to the Maguindanao provincial government for his multiple graft conviction and 5,000 fine for each of his falsification of public documents conviction.

“Considering he failed to appear in today’s promulgation, he already waived the remedies available to him. Let a warrant of arrest be issued for apprehension and serving of sentence of Datu Sajid Ampatuan,”
Associate Justice Mary Ann Corpuz-Mañalac said.

Sandiganbayan Fifth Division ordered to arrest Sajid Ampatuan because he is not physically present during the promulgation.

However, Ampatuan’s counsel, Atty. Manuel Castro insisted to file a necessary motion of appeal.