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Malacañang stressed that President Rodrigo Duterte already made clear of his position yesterday that he would leave the choice for House Speakership to the members of Congress and will not endorse a particular individual for the position, and that “may the best and most competent aspirant win.”

Malacañang issued the statement after Sen. Manny Pacquiao announced earlier today that Marinduque Rep. Alan Lord Velasco is Partido Demoktatiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-LABAN)’s bet for the position of Speakership amid the neutral stand of Duterte, the chairman of PDP-Laban.

According to Presidential Spokesman Salvador Panelo, President Duterte is comfortable with any of the candidates securing the seat of the Speaker of the House of Representatives because they are all his political allies.

“The Chief Executive would rather focus on the business of governance rather than play politics and ruffle the feelings of those outsides of his preferred choice. The latter is simply not the character and style of the Chief Executive,” Panelo said.

Panelo added that President Duterte is confident that the next Lower House leader would shepherd his legislative agenda for the nation’s best interest and the people’s general welfare.

“The Palace is therefore optimistic that the members of Congress know and will vote for the candidate whom they think and believe can give them excellent stewardship in legislating policies and measures that will deliver positive and genuine change for our people.”