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Photo by Bombo Jerald B. Ulep

The Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) has filed before Department of Justice (DoJ) six more cases in connection with the controversial anti-dengue vaccine Dengvaxia.

PAO Chief Persida Rueda-Acosta said it is possible that for the next hearing they will file more cases against health officials responsible for the massive death of kids last November.

Two respondents have submitted a rejoinder affidavit and five more respondents, who live outside the Philippines, which is related to the fourth batch of the Dengvaxia case.

DOJ has already found probable cause to indict those named as respondents in the first batch of complaints filed by PAO while the second and third batches of complaints have already been submitted for resolution.

On December 18, PAO is expected to submit their rejoinder affidavit against five respondents and the said case will be submitted for resolution.

(With reports from Bombo Jerald B. Ulep)