Rice production is expected to decrease slightly nationwide from the month of April to June, 2023.
The harvest in the said period is expected to reach only 4.27 million metric tons, which is lower compared to 4.28 million metric tons.
The said projection is also based on the currently held data of the country where as of June 1, 2023, only 840,510 hectares of rice fields have been harvested.
This is equivalent to 87.4% of the total 961,140 hectares of rice fields in the entire country.
The total yield, from the said land area, reaches 3.76 metric tons of rice.
Of the remaining 120,630 hectares of paddy fields that have not been harvested in the aforementioned period, 96.9% of them are in the maturing stage.
3.1% of this is in the reproductive stage.