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Whistleblower Sandra Cam has said in a press conference held in Makati City that she is offering her services to the government after being acquitted of murder charges over the killing of the former Vice Mayor in Batuan, Masbate.

She said that she was not asking for any position but she is willing to offer her public service.

Cam added that she had proven herself during her previous position in the government and that the employees could prove her claim.

It is up to the President if she will be given a chance for any government position, but she reiterated her offer.

“I’m not asking, but I’m offering my help as a public servant, not as a punta lang ako para kumita ng pera, no, I’m offering my public service to the government, para lang madagdagan at medyo mag ano man ang mga opisyales na corrupt sa gobyerno.” Sandra Cam said in the press conference.

On the other hand, if the government position will not be given, she said that there are a lot of ways for public service, she is also willing to involve in non-government organizations for the innocent accused individuals.

Furthermore, Cam said that she is a person who is working with the people, and she will continue her advocacy to fight corruption.

In connection to that, there are a lot of non-government organizations who have the same advocacies as her and now they are coordinating since her release and asking Cam to lead them.