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Scottie Pippen minced no words to his long-time teammate Michael Jordan regarding the “Last Dance.”

The six-time NBA champion claimed that all the glory in all the episodes where about Jordan, who wanted to prove that he is more excellent than LeBron James.

‘[T]hey glorified Michael Jordan while not giving nearly enough praise to my proud teammates and me,’ Pippen said.

jordan pippen
Bulls deadly tandem: Jordan and Pippen

“Michael deserved a large portion of the blame. The producers had granted him editorial control of the final product, and the doc couldn’t have been released otherwise. He was the leading man and the director.

“Except Michael was determined to prove to the current generation of fans that he was larger-than-life during his day – and still more extensive than LeBron James, the player many consider his equal, if not superior.

It was being outcast all over again for Pippen and the rest of the Bulls as they were during their playing years.

“Each episode was the same: Michael on a pedestal, his teammates secondary, smaller, the message no different from when he referred to us back then as his “supporting cast.”
“From one season to the next, we received little or no credit whenever we won but the bulk of the criticism when we lost.

Michael could shoot six for 24 from the field, commit five turnovers, and he was still, in the minds of the adoring press and public, the Errorless Jordan.

“Now here I was, in my mid-50s, 17 years since my final game, watching us being demeaned once again. Living through it the first time was insulting enough.”