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Vice President Sara Duterte lauded the Mindanao Development Authority for putting Mindanao in the forefront, quick progress and facilitating sub-regional economic cooperation within the Southeast Asian region.

During the Mindanao Development Authority 13th Founding Anniversary at the Acacia Hotel, Duterte said “I am truly proud and honored to be part of this milestone as you celebrate the socio-economic gains of your mission,”

“And it’s a mission that meant putting Mindanao in the forefront — to accelerate our inclusive progress and facilitate sub-regional economic cooperation with our neighbors in the Southeast Asian region,” she added.

The Mindanao’s lead agency when it comes to coordinating and integrating development efforts that bring about accelerated socio-economic development of Mindanao, is the MinDA or Mindanao Development Authority.

Prior to that, MinDA’s creation is formerly known as the Mindanao Economic Development Council (MEDCo) which was established through Executive Order 512 in 1992.

Duterte, as a Dabawenya and someone coming from Mindanao, said she is proud and honored as this “comes from a place called home”

Duterte added, MinDA, is an acknowledgement that Mindanao is more than stage for deadly wars, a place where bombs explode and kill hapless civilians, a breeding ground for terrorist groups, an islands of discontent, rebellion, and constant power outages despite being a host to hydropower plants.

“There were times when bombs were exploding in some parts of Mindanao and communities have turned into ghost towns — and yet, MEDCO people, and then later, MinDa people, were talking nonstop about Mindanao being an investment hub for the BIMP EAGA Region,” Duterte said.

“Mindanao. Investment hub. It has become their mantra, and it should become our mantra as Mindanawons,” she added.

Maria Belen Acosta, Chairperson of MinDA thanked Duterte for providing MinDA a space at the Office of the Vice President Central Office in Mandaluyong City for the institution to have a liason office in Manila.

“I feel that providing a space, a table, in the Office of the Vice President is not enough to support the Mindanao Development Authority. I always said that if there are big ticket projects coming from Mindanao, from across the regions, I always remind them to let us know — the Office of the Vice President — so that we can help push the agenda, the projects on the national stage,” Duterte said.