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World leaders has expressed their deep sorrow and remember the devoted former Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI as kind, generous, full of spiritual wisdom, an advocate of peace, and a guidepost.

According to the Vatican, the leaders who expressed their sadness are the following: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Japan, Italy, at Ireland.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died at the age of 95 at Mater Ecclesia Monastery in the Vatican last Saturday morning.

He was the first pope in 600 years who resigned from his post in 2003.

Meanwhile, United States (US) President Joe Biden described Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI as a renowned theologian, devoted to the church directed with the truth and his faith.

President Biden remembered his meaningful meeting with the late Pope, where the Pope showed generosity and warmly welcomed the US president.

“May his focus on the ministry of charity continue to be an inspiration to us all”, President Biden added.

Germany, the home country where Pope Benedict was born also expressed their grief by remembering the late Pope as a “formative figure of the Catholic Church.”

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in his tweet, “the German pope, Benedict XVI was a special church leader for many, not just in this country.”

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida also mourns the death of the former Pope.
According to Kishida, the country never forget the message sent by Pope Benedict giving hope to the people of Japan after the devastating tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The United Kingdom’s King Charles III express his deep sadness and recalled his meeting with the pope.

King Charles III said, “I also recall his constant efforts to promote peace and goodwill to all people, and to strengthen the relationship between the global Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church.”

Ireland President Michael Higgins highlighted how the pope promote peace despite the unending chaos.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki of Poland, emphasized the pope as a “great Catholic thinker, a spiritual authority, and a modest person who was nonetheless a person of very great format.” He added that the legacy of Pope Benedict will never be forgotten.

The death of Pope Benedict has a big impact on the entire country of Italy, as President Sergio Mattarella said that Italy has benefited from the pope.

He called the pope a “giant of faith and reason.”

On the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the relationship between Russia and the Vatican was established during Benedict’s papacy.